I’m usually cast as… introverts
  • everything from professional, encouraging, thoughtful, restrained introverts, like the quietly supportive husband Mike in Unplanned or Principal Charlie Rogers in Running The Bases, neither of which would prefer to be in a spotlight nor to have the status quo challenged…
  • to the more eccentric, quirky, socially awkward, fish-out-of water, anxious introverts, like Littleton Embry in Washington’s Armor (with British accent) or the sweet blind musician Jack in Harmony.


My mannerisms and energy level has been compared to that of introverts such as Martin Freeman in Black Panther or the Hobbit and Ben Stiller in The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty
Someday, I would absolutely dive fully into either an underestimated, reluctant-hero introvert or the unsuspected introvert whose true identity shocks everyone!